Um...without ears?

So you're probably wondering why there's a blog entitled - "Without my Ears". Yeah I would be too. First of all, WELCOME TO WITHOUT MY EARS! I'm so excited you're reading my blog!!!

Now, before your mind gets too far, I DO have physical ears. I'm not deformed and I do not bear any likeness to an alien -- except sometimes when my eyebrows are messed up, I can bear a slight resemblance to a Vulcan. But, I do have ears -- and they're not pointy!! However, my ears (the inside part) do not work properly. The professional name for my hearing loss is: (ready?) A Bilateral Sensineural Profound Hearing Impairment with Affected Speech. All that means is I have about 15-20% of usable hearing in both of my ears, and because I can't hear, you can imagine my speech sounds a little funny. But that is one of the perks of blogging, you don't have to hear me speak, and I don't have to try to hear you! So this should work out well for all of us!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I will stare at you.

Yup, it's true. I have hearing loss, but I do not use sign language and I do not have cochlear implants. I sound funny, and I stare at you when you talk to me! No really, I do! If you are a professor, or a pastor, or a lecturer, I guarantee you my eyes will not come off of your face while you are speaking. Freaky, I know! And because I usually sit in the front, that's even more unnerving! It's not because I think you're funny-looking or anything...although I might but that's not the primary reason why I stare at you!. It's because I lipread! Yes, I lipread to communicate. You can say that my eyes work double time because they do my seeing but also my hearing for me too. So, with this in mind, when you talk to me or to a deaf person who lipreads, please keep your hands or your book, or your sandwich (and swallow first if you would!) away from your mouth so I/we can have an intelligent conversation with you -- and not observe the whole scientific process of masticating food. Believe me, with lips partially or fully blocked, the phrase "a breakdown in communication" offers a whole new meaning!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A heads up

So here is a little more about me, and a heads up especially if you're the sensitive type like me. As you can imagine, having a disability in this world is a rather unique experience and can give you an interesting perspective. I am going to share that with you, hence the blog. I tend to be a very honest person when I write. I don't know, I would think that is encouraged in blog writing. But I am a Probie blogger (if you follow NCIS -- if you don't, you should because it is only the best show on TV!!) so I don't know all the rules. So, I just may step on toes -- such as people who ask me how I drive a car if I'm deaf need to get a clue! -- but don't take anything personally! -- If you didn't get that, I don't know about regular hearing people, but deaf people usually use their eyes to drive, not ears. But there will be no personal attacks, that's not my style.